Managed security services are likely very worthy of your consideration. After all, midsize organizations like yours face the same threats as every other organization. Building your own security operations center (SOC) takes people (typically 14+ full-time security analysts for 24x7x365 coverage), money, tools, and continuing education. Whether you partner with a MSSP or build, both are a continuous improvement effort requiring continuous engagement. There are no silver-bullets or set-it and forget-it technologies or services.
Selecting the right MSSP takes time.
The market is large, and there are many factors to consider. But if you dig in, ask tough questions, and know what you’re looking for, the job is a lot easier. The results you get and your experience with the provider will be worth it.
ePlus provides a wide range of security service capabilities natively and partners further to address gaps, serving as a force multiplier for our clients/customers. By combining ePlus Security and our partners' expertise, we address organizational challenges and diminish risk by integrating cyber hygiene and security-as-a-service with expert guidance and effective threat detection and incident response.
About ePlus
ePlus is a leading security technology advisor and integrator with a broad solutions portfolio, strong industry relationships, and unmatched breadth of engineering talent and expertise. With a focus on customer experience, ePlus designs and delivers outcome-focused, customized cyber security programs aimed at defining and mitigating business risk, identifying business challenges, and creating safer digital environments.
ePlus works closely with MSSPs and offers up-to-date reviews, decision trees, and pricing that helps organizations narrow down the list of candidates and select the best option to meet their security needs.
1. Gartner Identifies Three Factors Influencing Growth in Security Spending. Gartner press release, October 22, 2022. Accessed December 5, 2023. https://www.gartner.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/2022-10-13-gartner-identifies-three-factors-influencing-growth-i
2. Managed Security Services Market. Markets and markets.com. Accessed December 5, 2023. https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/Market-Reports/managed-security-services-market-5918403.html